Our goal here at JarOfSecrets.com is to be as transparent / honest as possible when it comes to how we operate as a business, our goals and future ambitions. This article goes into detail about how we run the company.
As of current, we do not have a physical store / base of operations. JarOfSecrets is a digital based company that uses third party products and services as the bedrock for its digital currency ‘Salvage’ which is earned via special promotions and Jar rewards. This currency is then exchanged via a checkout system to buy a variety of products and digital services.
We use PayPal for jar sales in the currency ‘pound sterling’ (£) you can not checkout with both salvage and pound sterling currencies – doing so will give you an error message. Only one currency can go into checkout at a time.
Revenue sources
- Jars – 90% of all income we generate is via jar sales. We keep roughly 40% of each sale, 10% of this sale goes directly to charity while roughly 50% is distributed in salvage rewards.
- Promotions – 5% of our total income is generated by promotions we may run with other companies or a cut we may get for selling or using their service. If we do have a special marketing relationship with any company it will normally be disclosed either in the marketing material or the product description.
- Advertising – The remaining source comes from either flyers which are placed inside the jars or small ads we may run on this website. We do our utmost to keep these as user friendly and non-invasive as possible, we hate spam and we hate ruining your experience even more – so we ensure not to go overboard when it comes to ad content.
Our spending habits
A big cut of JarOfSecrets budget is spent on advertising. We do this via third party means such as Google ad words, Face Book and local radio stations. 10% of all our generated income goes directly to charity and the remaining goes to maintaining our website and increasing our catalog of products. Sometimes cash deals are made with other businesses to secure deals which we can offer back to you in salvage.
Our future plans
Our long term goal is to increase the cash prize rewards as we grow and develop as a business to around £10,000 total for each jar, and also increase salvage rewards too. These rewards will scale according to sales, however as JarofSecrets is still a small company this ambition is quite far away.
We also aim to promote / set up other ways of generating salvage via community based events and a recycling service which rewards people with salvage for each bag of recycled goods goes through us. The option to exchange salvage directly for cash is also something we would like to work on once our company grows and develops.
In the event goods arrive damaged, missing or there is a delay.
You may request a return (see returns policy) for goods that arrive damaged or go missing. We also have a complaints policy if you feel we have done anything wrong, with a list of third party agents if you feel we have failed to meet your needs.
Useful links
As always if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us directly.