We have done our best to answer as many questions about JarOfSecrets and its practices as possible. If your question / concern is not posted here please do let us know.

Who are we?

JarOfSecrets is our take on the popular lottery ticket. Instead of trying to win a cash prize with an ‘all or nothing’ approach (with very low chances of winning) here at JarOfSecrets – you get a jar, packed with free goodies and items that challenges you to solve a task. Instead of winning the top cash prize via luck, instead you win the top cash prize by using your head and thinking. Every jar is guaranteed to win you something (even if you don’t get a main prize) The best thing is every jar nets you some salvage (even if you fail the jar) which you can use to spend on this website to redeem it for anything you want from a brand new computer to help writing your CV.

Jar questions

  • Can I buy a jar if I do not live in the United Kingdom?
  • Can I buy the treasure jar if I am not local to Stratford Upon Avon?
  • I am unable to locate my treasure jar chest, what should I do?
  • I am stuck on a jar, what should I do?
  • I have changed my mind, can I return my jar?

Salvage questions

  • If all the main prizes have been claimed can I still earn salvage?
  • What is salvage and how does it work?
  • How do I earn salvage?
  • Does salvage expire?
  • I have accidentally placed an order, what should I do?
  • Can I spend salvage if I am not in the United Kingdom?
  • Can I share salvage with someone else?
  • Can I return items I have brought with salvage?
  • Can I claim more than one main prize?

Redeeming codes

  • What happens if I use my forfeit code?
  • I have accidentally used my forfeit code can I still claim a main prize?
  • My code does not work, help!
  • Do codes ever expire?
  • Where do I find the ‘Redeem code’ page?

Website / account

  • Can I have my charity listed?
  • I would like to partner / advertise with JarOfSecrets.
  • My jar has arrived damaged / missing contents – what should I do?
  • My order has not arrived
  • Can I share my account with other people?
  • Someone has hacked my account!

Can I buy a jar if I do not live in the United Kingdom? – You can, however please contact us first. Free shipping is only included in the United Kingdom, areas outside will have an extra shipping fee that will have to be paid for first.

Can I buy the treasure jar if I am not local to Stratford Upon Avon? – Not unless you have a friend who is local to the area who can help you. Although there is nothing stopping you from placing an order with this jar. Logistically it makes little sense to do so unless you plan to take a day trip down here or have a holiday planned.

I am unable to locate my treasure jar chest, what should I do? – If you are struggling to find it, you could try connecting with other people over the forums for advise / help. However in rare cases the chest might get damaged or lost, sadly we are not able to compensate for either case as this is too unpredictable for us to cater for if such a thing does happen you can use your forfeit code found inside the jar. We do try to minimize this risk by hiding the chests as best as possible and sheltering the contents from the British weather, but sadly accidents happen. For this reason we recommend you set out ASAP once the jar arrives.

I am stuck on a jar, what should I do? – We can not offer advise directly, however we may post on our Facebook page some hints / tips from time to time, it might also be worth asking around on the Forums.

I have changed my mind, can I return my jar? – You have 14 working days to return your jar as detailed in our returns policy. Under the condition the codes have not been used and the jar(s) are returned without being used. In more unusual cases we may extend this period or make exceptions but only in rare cases. The best way to know for sure would be to contact us directly and ask.

Salvage questions

If all the main prizes have been claimed can I still earn salvage? – Yes, you can indeed. Solving a jar (even if all main prizes have been redeemed) still yields a higher salvage return than using the forfeit code. So even if all main prizes are gone it is still worth completing it.

What is salvage and how does it work?Salvage is a digital currency that is earned by completing jars on this website. Your account balance can be found on the top corner of this website (while logged in) and it can be spent on product on this website.

How do I earn salvage? – You earn salvage by completing jars, the amount you get varies depending on the jar and also depending on if you get the main prize or not.

Does salvage expire? – Nop! Never, the salvage you earn will stay on your account forever, or until you spend it. Once you reach checkout with an item the cost will be deducted from your total salvage.

I have accidentally placed an order, what should I do? – You can cancel, as long as you are quick about it. Contact us ASAP. Once an order is processed we are unable to refund your salvage.

Can I spend salvage if I am not in the United Kingdom? – The free shipping is only valid in the United Kingdom, although you can place orders from countries outside of this area, it will make things more complicated as shipping fees will have to be paid before hand. We recommend you contact us first before placing international orders.

Can I share salvage with someone else? – If you are working together to solve a jar, it is possible for us to ‘split’ the salvage reward between the party(s) involved. This will require you to talk to us first however. There is nothing stopping you from working in a team and sharing the salvage on one account, or sharing the ‘prize’ with multiple people — however this is outside of our field and we will not be held liable if things go wrong. Account safety is extremely important so please be careful who you give your details to.

Can I return items I have brought with salvage? – No. Once an order has been shipped and processed it is final, this is not covered by our returns policy as no ‘cash’ is involved with the consumer. Only in cases where the item arrives damaged or missing can refunds be granted, but this is rare.

Can I claim more than one main prize? – No. One main prize per person, per jar. Attempting to exploit this will result in all salvage from that jar getting removed from your account. This includes families / teams. We do this to make it fair for everyone.

Redeeming codes

What happens if I use my forfeit code? – Your account will be credited with the base salvage (around 1,500 depending on jar) doing so effectively voids your jar meaning you will not be able to claim any of the prizes once this code is used. Only use it as a last resort! As once it is used there is no going back, it is the nuke button.

I have accidentally used my forfeit code can I still claim a main prize? – No. Once this code is used, its game over. Attempting to cheat by using the code after you redeem a prize will simply remove salvage from your account and potentially put you into a minus amount it also won’t look good for you as we will be able to see on our system every code you’ve used. Only use this code as a last resort!

My code does not work, help! – If there is an error with the code contact us ASAP.

Do codes ever expire? – Eventually yes, you have around 60 days to solve the jar or use your code (including your forfeit code) before they expire. In rare cases we can manually credit your account if your codes do expire and you do not have the time to finish the jar (for example you were sick) just let us know if this happens and we will credit your account manually.

Where do I find the ‘Redeem code’ page? – It can be found on the homepage just under the big fancy banner. Alternatively you can click here to be taken to the redeem code page. You must be logged in to be able to redeem codes.

Website / account

Can I have my charity listed?Talk to us about this as things can get complicated, but in theory yes we do welcome new charity listings.

I would like to partner / advertise with JarOfSecrets – That’s great news! Check out our work with us page for more information on how we work / partner with other people.

My jar has arrived damaged / missing contents – what should I do?Contact us immediately for a full refund.

My order has not arrived – It is important you let us know. If after 14 days nothing has arrived you are entitled to a full refund (salvage / cash)

Can I share my account with other people? – We highly recommend you don’t. But we can’t stop you from doing so. Any damage done to your account is not entitled to compensation if we can see that other people are using it. You have been warned.

Someone has hacked my account! – Reset your password immediately. If you are unable to do that please get in touch with us ASAP.